Saturday, April 16, 2011

Would a nose on any other person be as sensitive?

Dear Diary,

Well we are now past the half way point today’s entry is brought to you by the letter ‘N’. Nose is the topic for today; this was SO’s initial answer when I asked “what is a word that starts with ‘N’?” Of course I didn’t tell SO why I was asking and at first though well that’s not helpful what can I write about a nose. Then I thought I could write about what I find attractive in noses, but that’s not really interesting, nobody cares that it’s one of the features that I’m most drawn to. Or that mine is on the small to average size and covered with freckles.

However I have a very sensitive nose, my sense of smell seems to be more enhanced than other people. That is a topic I can write about … not that anyone is going to find it more interesting to read about. My sensitive nose can get me into trouble, most often this is with YS who (how can I put this tactfully) is not the neatest person. Whenever I go to YS’s house I have to remind myself that it’s not polite to plug my nose, to breath through my mouth and not take deep breaths. There is something about the way YS’s house smells that makes me nauseous. SO can smell it and says it’s unpleasant but not as bad as I seem to think, and YS’s friends don’t seem to notice at all. Also people who have pets that potty in the house cats, hamsters, mice; to me their houses all smell like there are animals that potty in the house. I can’t have a big trash can in the kitchen, we use the plastic bags from grocery stores and take it out every night; other wise I can smell the garbage, especially if there are potato peelings in it.

This sensitive nose of mine is really annoying, I hate walking though the perfume section of department stores, I hate the whole perfume floor. Also there are stores that spray perfume into their stores; Abercrombie is one of the worst. Candle and lotion shops all the scents mingling together is not a pleasant odor either. I have to say I am lucky that smells don’t bring on migraines like they did for my mom, they are generally just unpleasant. I had a friend who was born without the sense of smell, I don’t know that I would want to loose my sense of smell but I always thought it would be nice if I could give this friend some of my extra and we could balance each other out. Now you know more about my nose than you ever wanted to, aren’t you glad you decided to stop by?

Until next time,

Friday, April 15, 2011

My Magnificent Mom

Dear Diary,

Today’s entry will be brought to you by the letter ‘M’. My mom is what comes to mind when I think of ‘M’. I miss my mom so much; she passed away when I was twenty. I feel luck to have had her in my life for the short time I did because she was an amazing mom. I also feel like I got gypped because I lost her so soon. I have moments when someone will complain about their mother butting into their life and I wish I had their problems. Other times I’ll hear someone comment on how they have never been close with their mother and I’ll feel sorry for them. Before my mom passed away we were really close and I have a hard time understanding what it’s like to not be close to your mother. My parents divorced when I was in grade school and my mom raised three kids on her own and did a darn good job with the few resources she had.

There is so much I could say about my mom, she was smart and had many witty moments. She loved jokes that were on the corny side and would almost always laugh at puns (as long as they were clean, I never heard her laugh at a dirty joke or pun). She was one of the most patient people I’ve ever met; although being the mother of YS I guess that was kind of a requirement. She made you want to do your best and be your best without threats or intimidation. My friends in high school never really understood why I never went through the rebellious stage that they did until they got to know my mom; somehow you didn’t want her to be disappointed in you. When I made poor choices and it was quite often, my mom never really punished me like my friends got punished. My mom would just look at me (with a look that said she had expected better or me and was disappointed) but would only tell me “I trust you to learn from this, and will make a better choice next time.” How can you rebel against that?

My mom taught me so many things, of course the generic things like cooking, baking, cleaning, finances but she taught me more than that she taught me to be a good person. Not that I’m trying to imply I’m always a good person, anyone who knows me will tell you I’m not. I am a caring, understanding and loving person. I occasionally judge people unfairly but I don’t hold a grudge and I’m forgiving (of others I’m still working on being forgiving of myself). My mom always explained how situations might seem from other perspectives (which I try to remember) this helped me to be less judgmental and more understanding of people who I feel have wronged me in some way.

I miss my mom so much, there are so many things in my life that I have needed her for and wanted to share with her. Times when having her to guide me would have made my struggles more bearable. My mom didn’t have an easy life and I’ve always had an added respect for her because she lived her life with such strength and poise despite the hardships. I remember that strength to help me get through my struggles, I remind myself that the strength is somewhere inside me, because my mother put it there. I love you mom and miss you like you wouldn’t believe.

Until next time,

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Follow button

Dear Diary,

I know that it was supposed to be just you and me, which would be me and myself, and maybe sometimes I would read too. And that was fine, but someone else wanted to join and so I've added a follow button.

I have to admit it's kind of nice to know that other people care about my jumbled thoughts, and this has lead me to another dangerous game of comparisons. I know I need to work on this, but I've been reading other blogs with lots of followers and I'm comparing mine to theirs, and that is not what this was about. It was about a diary to express my thoughts in a healthy way, that does not involve scars and I have found a way to make it unhealthy. I need to remind myself that this is a diary and not a competition with people who write for a living. It's good to have people support me and offer advice and comments but it's not a competition.

Thank you to my followers and I'd like to ask you to remind me every once in a while that it's about expressing myself and not collecting followers. Oh and thanks for following and reading my random diary entries I know they are all over the place, but that's how my mind works. Hope you enjoy the ride, if not at least you can find get off at the next stop, sometimes I wish I could too (but writing is supposed to help with that).

Until next time,


Dear Diary,

Today’s entry will be brought to you by the letter ‘L’. ‘L’ is for luck. In the past I have been known to claim that if I didn’t have bad luck I would have no luck at all. I think that statement is unfair. Okay I know it’s unfair, the other day while SO and I were driving home from a wonderful outing (that got rained on) we passed quite a few people going the other way that were getting pulled over. I know that I speed when I drive, not a lot, but more than the speed limit. I don’t always mean to sometimes I just look down and I’m going faster than I should be. Other times I’m running late and I totally mean to speed and I watch the speedometer to make sure it’s in my acceptable speeding range (speed limit to about 5mph over) not much but it makes me feel like I’m making up time.

Anyway all of this rambling was leading up to my point. A lot of the time when people are lucky it’s not something we are aware of. Like the speeding ticket; if I were to get a speeding ticket I would have another example of how unlucky I am. What about all the times I don’t get tickets? I don’t count them as lucky because I’m not thinking about a ticket unless I get one. Just like people don’t always count having food to eat and a roof over their heads as lucky until they are gone. Luck is with me do I have bad luck? Quite often yes. Do I have good luck? More times than I realize that answer is yes also. I guess what I have realized is that if I have something to loose in life, I’m lucky. 

Until next time,

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

K is for ...

Dear Diary,

Today’s entry brought to you by the letter ‘K’. What topics come to mind for ‘K’ hum … this letter required a bit of thought. Finally it hits me it’s time for another picture. I know I just did a picture for ‘H’ but I have a great picture for ‘K’ so you should just sit back and be glad I’m not writing another woe is me entry because those come all too often. Drum roll please …. Kaleidoscope! I love kaleidoscopes, I could spend hours (full disclosure, probably minutes) looking into a kaleidoscope. We used to take trips to Sea Port Village when I was a kid, I don’t even know if it’s still there but there used to be a shop that sold really expensive kaleidoscopes, the best kaleidoscope was not for sale and it didn’t have colored bits inside it.
This kaleidoscope sat outside the shop in fact I’m not even sure if the kaleidoscope shop is related to the giant kaleidoscope outside but in my mind they are linked. Anyway this kaleidoscope sat outside and faced the ocean, and it was the most amazing and beautiful kaleidoscope ever, sometimes a sail boat would pass by and sometimes birds, but even if it was just the waves crashing on the beach it was beautiful. Then I got older and trips with my family became less important to me and I got too old for kids toys. One day SO, our friend (Significant others sibling from another set of parents, okay that nickname is long how about SOOP sibling of other parents) and I went to a botanical garden where we found a kaleidoscope that looked at plants! Enjoy =)

This is with SOOP's hand, kind of awesome!

I don't know what I was thinking, you are never to old to enjoy a kaleidoscope.

Until next time,

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Jobs, justice and jealousy

Dear Diary,

Today’s entry brought to you by the letter ‘J’. ‘J’ should be for justice, but I’m beginning to think that is more a concept than a reality. So ‘J’ will be for job. I have been looking for a job for over a year. SO has been looking for a job for over a year. Neither of us has a job. BB started looking for a job 2 weeks ago, and starts work on Monday. Where is the justice in that? I am just as qualified as BB and SO has a freaking PhD. Alright I’m glad that BB has a job, this means there is someone to borrow money from when our savings runs out.

Seriously though I would understand if it was a personality thing, I admit that BB is more out going than I am. The thing is I never even seem to make it to the interview stage and my cover letters and resume are so up-beat they boarder on perky. I just don’t understand the fairness in a process where two equally qualified people look for a job and one candidate gets one right away and the other waits and waits and waits and hears nothing.

Oh that’s another thing if you are a hiring manager at least let the poor shmucks who didn’t get the job know that the position is filled. It’s rather sad to admit that rejection notifications are exciting because at least you know they got your application and acknowledged your existence.

Until next time,

Monday, April 11, 2011


Dear Diary,

Today’s entry will be brought to you by the letter ‘I’. There were surprisingly a lot of words that I thought of for ‘I’. Imagination was the winner. I have to wonder what happened to imagination. Kids used to use imagination to learn and grow and be a part of worlds past, present and future; now they play video games and watch television. I’ve heard people say over and over kids today may spend all their time playing video games and watching television but is that really any different from when kids used to spend all their time reading books. I think yes, books take imagination; you create whole worlds in vivid color from a few words. You can fight with the Knights of the Round Table or make friends with aliens on Jupiter when you read a book. The difference is with a book the landscape of Jupiter or the armor of the knights comes from you, granted some books have pictures but your imagination brings them to life.
I know this song is old we have all heard it, but the more I think about it I realize that nothing is original any more. Nobody is using their imagination. Movies all have the same plot, especially chick flicks, they are all retelling the same stories we have heard before with a change in location or character. I appreciate the hint of irony that I am discussing how nobody has any new ideas and lack imagination, when this topic is not new and lacks imagination. I admit that I don’t have any new ideas, but kids have the best imaginations if we would just let them express them. I also have to admit that this was not a very eloquently expressed entry but some days are like that … with me most days are like that.

Until next time,