Thursday, April 14, 2011


Dear Diary,

Today’s entry will be brought to you by the letter ‘L’. ‘L’ is for luck. In the past I have been known to claim that if I didn’t have bad luck I would have no luck at all. I think that statement is unfair. Okay I know it’s unfair, the other day while SO and I were driving home from a wonderful outing (that got rained on) we passed quite a few people going the other way that were getting pulled over. I know that I speed when I drive, not a lot, but more than the speed limit. I don’t always mean to sometimes I just look down and I’m going faster than I should be. Other times I’m running late and I totally mean to speed and I watch the speedometer to make sure it’s in my acceptable speeding range (speed limit to about 5mph over) not much but it makes me feel like I’m making up time.

Anyway all of this rambling was leading up to my point. A lot of the time when people are lucky it’s not something we are aware of. Like the speeding ticket; if I were to get a speeding ticket I would have another example of how unlucky I am. What about all the times I don’t get tickets? I don’t count them as lucky because I’m not thinking about a ticket unless I get one. Just like people don’t always count having food to eat and a roof over their heads as lucky until they are gone. Luck is with me do I have bad luck? Quite often yes. Do I have good luck? More times than I realize that answer is yes also. I guess what I have realized is that if I have something to loose in life, I’m lucky. 

Until next time,


  1. I like to say I am one of the luckiest people in the world... if bad luck was as effective as good luck.

  2. I guess luck is what you focus on. Many people (myself included) get trapped into the negative aspects. I think we need to practice thinking good things. Maybe then, we will feel luckier.

    My happy "I am Lucky" thought for today is: "I am happy I did not go to work with my jeans on backwards. At least no one can call be ass backwards justifiably. Let's just hope that tomorrow, I can remember that my panties go on first, before the jeans."

    I know...small steps lead to improvement


  3. Learning to appreciate what I do have, made my life so much better. Great post :)

  4. I agree that we should all appreciate how lucky we are and that having a positive attitude is key. As for avoiding a ticket, years ago my mother's boyfriend got stopped for making an illegal U-turn. When he told the officer that my mother made him do it, he let him off. How lucky was that?! Julie

  5. Like the speeding ticket; if I were to get a speeding ticket I would have another example of how unlucky I am. What about all the times I don’t get tickets?

    True. We never realize how lucky we are most of the time. Great to meet you via A-Z!

    L is for Lies: Flash Fiction
